
Welcome to my website. I share my photography, digital art, and writings here. Thank you for your interest in my work.

Street Photography 2020

Street Photography 2020

Published on January 1, 2020

We are street photographers, an international community on the rise

Telling stories candidly, prepared yet surprised

We work our scenes like visual detectives

Making remarkable images from various perspectives


We explore streets, markets, train stations, parks, and much more worldwide

Capturing our visual journey in public, we express how we see the world and feel inside

We make color and black and white images, subjects undisturbed

Handling questions and confrontations, calmly and unperturbed


We notice human interactions and unrepeatable moments unfolding in plain sight

Fleeting emotions, glances, and gestures in daytime and at night

We observe humanity and its surrounding spaces

A diverse society of culture, language, gender, creed, and races


We recognize potential in scenes with symmetry, minimalism, and repetition

Pre-visualizing humor through juxtaposition

Using lines, scale, geometry, and contrast to lead our viewers’ eyes

We align elements with subjects to obscure and to disguise


We create harmony between subjects and the scene through color matching

And look for clichés like men in hats because they are eye catching

We photograph colorful umbrellas in crosswalks from a looking down view

And illuminated signs reflected on car windows, passengers peeking through


We deepen shadows by exposing for highlights in bright, sunny places

And create moody narratives full of shadows and dark negative spaces

We capture bicyclists, cars, and skateboarders entering diagonal slices of light

And use depth of field and foreground elements to subframe silhouettes just right


We seek human forms and colorful bokeh through window condensation

Making portraits of preoccupied strangers riding public transportation

Animals like dogs, cats, and birds make good subjects for us too

Especially when eye contact is made or unexpected flight ensues


We brave inclement weather to enhance the atmosphere

Using the conditions for abstraction and so subjects can partially disappear

When it rains, we look for wet cobblestone streets and puddles of reflected light

Telling reflection stories presented upside down or upright


We take videos on the street from our point of view

So interested photographers can see what we do

To share our art and see new perspectives

We gather in clubs, groups, and street photography collectives


We make and share thousands of unique, inspiring images every day

Talented curators amplify our work online, in print, and in exhibitions globally

We are street photographers, an international community on the rise

We bring meaning and value to the world in 2020 through our creative eyes

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